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Led by Matt Wallace, Last Stand is now the largest Dogecoin community on the internet! We also love talking about finance and other cryptocurrencies.
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$10 per month: Exclusive Behind the Scenes Content, Live Q/A's, Record Breaking Crypto Tips, Ad Free Content.

$20 per month (all of above)+ access to our exclusive Discord community with multiple celebrities and Buy/Sell Signals.

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$299 per month (all of above)+ I will help you set up and manage your portfolio on a call or via zoom.

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Amber Heard DESTROYED By Judge in Johnny Depp Trial ⚠️ It’s OVER ⚠️

What are your thoughts on the Johnny Depp / Amber Heard Trial?

Jeff Bezos VS Elon Musk

Elon Musk is inovating and making the world a better place while posting memes.

Meanwhile Jeff Bezos has become slightly cooler after divorcing his ex wife.

She used to be the only person he was following (after they divorced) which was weird.

Now he just followed the guy who coded Dogecoin for Jackson Palmer. Amazon Doge acceptance coming? Ehhh… who knows. He is no longer the CEO but he still has enough pull that he could probably make it happen if he wanted to.

Welcome To Everyone Who Just Joined!

A lot of exciting things in store :)

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